Thursday, April 21, 2011


Welcome if you are here from ICLW - I'm looking forward to finding some great new blogs.  I love this community and the support that I've gotten here. I honestly don't know where I would be without it!  We're currently in the process of IVF #1.  I have a few more days of BCP and started Lupron injections yesterday.   My baseline u/s is scheduled for May 9th, and then I'll be starting with my old friend Gonal-F.  No issues with my shots so far - I think it's easier doing them first thing in the morning.  I'm not awake enough to be nervous.  I have a busy few weeks coming up at work so time will be passing quickly.  I even have a business trip to the West Coast for the first time in years - any recommendations on flying with Lupron?  Luckily I'm able to schedule it before I start stims & regular ultrasounds.  I think my boss is wondering why I'm rushing it, but I'm not telling her anything.  I'm nervous about handling missing work with the retrieval and transfer, but I'll deal with that when it comes.  I have plenty of sick time and the ability to work from home, but I do NOT want to reveal any of this to my boss.  She's not very supportive of working moms (even though she has two sons herself and worked while raising them) -- it's really frustrating.   Anyhow, those are my ramblings for today.  So far so good -- glad for the weekend coming up.  We're hosting my husband's family for Easter - must remember to remove the meds from the fridge!!


  1. Good luck with this cycle. And good luck managing the boss. I ended up just telling my boss because it was stressing me out trying to juggle it all and keep it a secret.

  2. I'm sorry your boss isn't very supportive--that really sucks :-/ I'm lucky enough to live in an area that places a high priority on family, so my boss is even willing to work with me about cutting back my hours to spend some time at home--not that I'm brave enough to actually do it -_- Good luck on your upcoming IVF!

    (here from ICLW, #168)

  3. Thank you for visiting and good luck with your IVF cycle!!!

    I so hear you about your boss. My is a male but he and his wife decided not to have children as both of them have their own businesses, so he is very critical and judgmental towards female professionals who have children. By the way, if you need a few excuses, let me know, I have a few of those :)

  4. I'd keep it close to the vest as long as possible and use those sick days. I think you might want to take a doctor's note with you, just in case TSA grabs you out of the line and questions you about the Lupron.

    Have a good trip and best wishes on this cycle.

  5. Here from ICLW! Good luck to you on your first IVF! Best wishes. That's probably a good call to not tell your boss - it's none of her business. You might need a letter from your doctor for the Lupron?

  6. Thank you so much for your comments --- I am wishing you the best of luck with your IVF cycle.

  7. Wow! Good luck with this IVF cycle! That post about the fridge made me smile because I remember all too well when I was trying to be careful of that too. I did 6 cycles and now I write to support others through their journey! I am now following and I just added your link! Welcome to the blogosphere and Happy ICLW! BTW, I just gave you an award! (at Stress Free Infertility)

  8. Happy ICLW!

    Wishing you the best of luck with your IVF cycle. I hope it's first time lucky for you!

    Hope you had a lovely Easter with your family!

  9. Happy ICLW and good luck, SJ!

    I just had the transfer for my first IVF cycle and it wasn't too bad. The fear of it and the build up are far worse than the shots and the process itself. You're a strong girl! Best wishes and happy NIAW!

    Kim @ The Ladies in Waiting Book Club
