We ended up with a three-day transfer on Friday-- the best two were an eight-cell (right on target) and a five-cell (but "perfectly formed" according to my doctor). There were still five others that were developing, but it doesn't look like any of them will make it to freeze. So, we're pretty much where we were for IVF #1. IF we go for another cycle, it will be a fresh one.
The itself transfer went very smoothly. I had the last doctor in my practice that I still had to meet - she's the head of the whole department and the u/s tech couldn't say enough good things about her. She did comment on my fancy socks, so that's a point in her favor. I like my efforts to dress up to be noticed.....
This clinic is pretty funny -- the last time I talked to my own doctor was in June for my wtf meeting after our first cycle. All communication goes through the nurses - but I've developed good relationships with both of them. In general, I'm happy there and I like the routine. Which isn't to say I'll be more than happy to kick them all to the curb and move to an OB.
So I've taken it easy the last few days. Not really sure what to think -- I had high hopes when we got so many eggs - but it is what it is. I'll just take it one day at a time. I have lots going on at work and plans with old friends for next weekend, so the time until Oct. 5th should fly by. I'll test at home the day before so I'm not caught completely off-guard at work by beta results, but not before then. Let the symptom watch begin!
waiting in these two weeks with you... hoping for awesome news soon!