Saturday, February 19, 2011

CD Whatever

Ok, it's CD10.  I'm feeling pretty blah about everything, but I haven't completely lost my head.  Monitoring this morning....lining looks good, steady follicle growth.  I'm keeping everything crossed that we can do the IUI on Monday.  Tuesday and Wednesday are meetings/training for a big company project kick-off and I have no idea how I'd get out of them.  I'll do what I need to do, but it won't be pretty.  It doesn't help that the only other person from my department on the team is my nemesis (at least in my mind, I don't even know if she realizes it.)    zen, zen, zen.  Work isn't a happy place lately.

I'm already thinking ahead to the inevitable negative (or positive that will bring on another mc) and what to do next.   I've been struggling a lot with feelings that I've been wasting my life (mid life crisis at 33??).  I don't mean dropping everything to join the peace corps or backpack through the rain forest -- I'm not going to lie, I enjoy things like comfortable beds and indoor plumbing.   But I have a wonderful husband, we live in a great city, we work hard and make a nice living but we aren't making the most of it.  So many things that I haven't done - or that I talk about doing, but never follow through.  I'm the girl who decides to learn to knit, takes a class, buys tons of supplies, completes one hat, and then drops the hobby.   It's time to live a little - dim sum in Chinatown, buy a pass for the upcoming film festival and spend three days watching indie movies, 40 day yoga challenge, get a massage, learn to play drums.....

meh.  If you've stuck with my rambling this far - I appreciate it.  I'll try to step up the sunshine in my next post!


  1. I know what you mean. I find IF takes up most of my life right now. I was talking with my husband about this the other day and was like 'can you imagine our life WITHOUT trying for a baby??' It's pretty much become a part of who we are, and we've revolved our lives around it...but hopefully this is just temporary for both of us.

    So is the IUI a go for today?

  2. I am so that lady that bought a knitting book, watched a thousand youtube videos on it, bought all the supplies, made a scarf, and then never touched it again. You've inspired me to pick that hobby back up!
