Wednesday, February 23, 2011

False Alarm

No IVF.  The doctor gave me three options, allow me to paraphrase:  - best, in his opinion: trigger tonight, IUI on Friday - higher chance of multiples but with my history chances are good my eggs will be crap so they wouldn't all be viable anyway.  Maybe we'll get one!  Or, maybe I'll get a show on TLC!  Or maybe I'll have a major moral dilemma that I don't want to consider right now.   Option 2: convert to IVF- although I have a lot of follicles, he doesn't think there is enough to make it worth it, he'd want to have better control of the whole process from the beginning.  Option 3: Cancel.  He doesn't think that's a good idea either, because why waste a good cycle (see history of crap eggs, miscarriages, getting older, etc....)
So....I'm going with his recommendation and we're giving the IUI one last shot.  If this one doesn't work, it looks like IVF is our only option.   And, if I've learned one thing over the last few days - and based on how disappointed I'm feeling right now, I guess I'm willing to take that step.

Of course, there is always the option that THIS will be the cycle, but I'm not feeling it.


  1. You know. I was told that there is a 20% chance for success with IUI and that a large part of that 20% success was made up of PCOS patients. Well... no luck for me. and I had PCOS. Blech.

    Maybe there is another factor? They didn't tell me until after our 4th failed IUI that DH had 1% morphology. Poop on them!! We would've gone straight to IVF.

    Anyway, your chance increase significantly to 62% with IVF...soooo ...

    (1) - I hope this last IUI is the ticket for you guys. Even though there is that 20% success rate (more so for those with PCOS = YOU YOU YOU!!) it seems like MANY people are having success with it!

    (2) - If IUI doesn't work out, I hope you only need one round of IVF to get you a lil one :-)

    Goooood luck!!


  2. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. Its just heartbreaking to read about your losses. I hope this IUI works (and I have a feeling it will), and you will get that one (or two) perfect baby/ies. Fingers crossed. Will be following ya.

  3. I still think this is good news. How many follicles do you have growing in there?

  4. @Amanda -- three mature, but at least 15 others that are small. I'm putting my faith in my doctor on this one -- he's the expert, right?
