Wednesday, February 16, 2011


All is well so far - next u/s on Saturday morning.  I'm a little worried that we're going to be forced to cancel if we wait (earliest potential IUI would be Monday) but I know I just need to trust my RE's office.  It's not as if they are new to this.  Exciting to see some new BFPs out there -- and I'm eagerly awaiting being able to move a few of you from my "Pregnant" to "Baby" lists.    I love reading all of your updates and will continue to no matter what - even if I'll never meet you in person.   But do I have the same patience for those around me in real life? Hell no.  I recently blocked a relative in faceb.ook and unsubscribed from her blog and twi.tter feeds because she has done nothing but talk about babies, baby gear, and post pictures of her ulstrasound since her big reveal last week.  She's a "radio personality", so I think she's just lacking the privacy gene that the rest of us have -- but enough is enough.  The first time I've blocked someone - and if felt GOOD.  


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, hope you finding blogging as enjoyable as I have :) It really helped me to sort through what I was going through and to connect with others. And on FB, the hide option for the main newsfeed is like my best friend ;)

  2. Good luck with your IUI next week!
