Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Checking In

Things are still going well for me.  RE appointment in the morning so I'm starting to get a bit stressed about that.   I've been doing more reading about IVF and it all seems so overwhelming.  It makes me want to break out the OPK and try during this unmedicated cycle (as-if) on the off-chance we get a miracle and can avoid this next step.  I know that is useless though.  
On Saturday we had lunch with some old college friends whom we had not seen since they had their baby a year ago.  The wife is very enthusiastic about everything - and I know she had the best intentions and didn't know what we've been through - but she spent the WHOLE afternoon talking about how wonderful parenthood is, how complete and fulfilled she felt, how we had to do it....I tried to dodge the issue with the generic "we're thinking about it" response  - and she still pushed.  She even asked if we were going to start trying this month.  Wha???  Then she was asking if I was pregnant now and just not telling yet....  and how she knows that waiting until three months is typical, but she didn't feel like you had to do that.   I wanted to tell her I'd be sure to give her a call when I get my next positive and also for the next D&C.
It was so frustrating.   Again - I really do think she meant well, but it made for a very long afternoon.  I need to come up with a better response.  I just was quiet and agreed with what she said, I didn't have it in me to engage.
I was never so happy to get to my yoga class as I was that afternoon.


  1. Ugh, that sounds awful. Fertile or not, that is just RUDE. I know that even if I never went through IF, I wouldn't put pressure on people like that. I always thought it was weird when people announced they were trying...my first reaction was 'what if they have problems'?? So even then, I had an incling that things might be harder than we were expecting.

    Hopefully she's not someone you see often, and how that you got your visit in, you'll be good for a while now :)

    Can't wait to hear how your appt goes. I can just imagine how overwhelming IVF is, but just try to take it one day at a time...

  2. Oh....I despise those conversations. I finally got so sick of trying to make up excuses after so many years, that I finally just started coming out with it...WE'RE INFERTILE! That usually shuts people up pretty quick...but it took me a good 3 years to get to a place where I could start admitting it. I wish people would just mind their own bees-wax! I will never again ask people these types of questions...mark my words! Good luck with your appointment! IVF really isn't that bad, I promise!
